Synthetic Turf

Say “Goodbye” to Mud and Puddles and “Hello” to Synthetic Grass!

You have a lovely home and want a gorgeous lawn to showcase that home.

The time and expense, however, of maintaining that lawn can be staggering, plus the weather doesn’t always cooperate when mowing time comes around. Take heart, there is a perfect solution to your lawn issues – synthetic turf. The experts at Concrete Designs can show you how quickly and easily you’ll never have to worry about your lawn again with the professional installation of synthetic turf.

Mud creation

Well maintained natural grass lawns are beautiful, no doubt, but over time the underlying dirt will shift or wash away. Many soils do not absorb or drain well, creating dips and swales in the landscaping that turn into puddles during a rain shower, or even from watering that grass. Bare spots from heavy traffic areas or simply from kids and pets playing will also turn into puddles. Where there are puddles, there will be mud. And where there is mud, it will find its way into the house.

Natural vs. Synthetic

Yes, natural grass is good for the environment. Or is it? Think of the chemicals being absorbed into the ground from fertilizers and weed killers. Think of the toxins being sent into the atmosphere from lawn mower and weed eater exhaust. Think of the oil and gas being used, think of the water being wasted trying to keep that grass looking lush.
Synthetic turf looks just as lush and beautiful without any of those toxins or chemicals, making it truly environmentally friendly.

Benefits of Synthetic Turf

Synthetic turf is non-toxic, making it safe for kids and pets. The installation process uses a base that not only keeps the turf in place in the toughest conditions, but also gives the soft look and feel of natural grass. The turf, along with the base, is designed to allow for full drainage, thereby eliminating those nasty mud puddles. Grass stains will become a thing of the past.

Keeping your synthetic turf looking like new is easy. Like natural grass, synthetic turf can be raked to remove leaves and other debris. With turf, there will be no more bare spots, smells, or stains from pets.

The expense of maintaining a natural grass lawn is virtually eliminated by the installation of synthetic turf – no more mowing, weed eating, edging, trimming, fertilizing, and reseeding! Not to mention the time and effort required to accomplish those tasks!

Concrete Designs does much more than concrete. Let them show you how to have a beautiful lawn that enhances your home instead of a lawn filled with puddles and mud.


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